SICvm - A SIC Based Virtual Machine
SIC ain't SICKClick Here To Visit the SICvm Project Page in
SICvm is a SIC virtual machine based On Leland L.Beck's "Simplified Instruction Set Computer" as he mentioned in his book "System Software" Click Here To see Beck's Site on the Original SIC Simulator
What is SICvm?
SICvm was developed as a final year project in Computer Science & Engineering under the Kerala University in the year 2005. The project aims at creating a Virtual Machine for Simplified Instructional Computer (SIC) as described by Beck in the Book "System Software". The VM is also supposed to act as a guide to developing VMs and emulators for various other machine architectures.
The SICvm Hierarchal in the classical OS Ring Structure is shown in the below figure.
We also have developed a small assembler, a minimal shell and some sample SIC programs for the end user. Currently the machine fully supports execution of any SIC program with support for I/O devices with device delay emulation. The assembler provided also can assemble any standard SIC programs.