SICvm - A SIC Based Virtual Machine

SIC ain't SICK

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SICvm is a SIC virtual machine based On Leland L.Beck's "Simplified Instruction Set Computer" as he mentioned in his book "System Software" Click Here To see Beck's Site on the Original SIC Simulator

A Little About Us Now!!!

All the previous pages were about SIC, SIC and more SIC...I am getting sick here, So Now a little about the ones who put thier hands into this little project. The first version of this web site was hosted in Haste back when we were in the 8th Semester in our college. Now we are all out of college and doing jobs. Also we got a great chance to redesign the entire web site giving it a more appealing look. Hope you enjoy the little work.

So this page contains contact information for all the members of Project. From here you can send e-mail to project members, or visit their personal home pages. Do feel free to drop a mail or two, we can always find time inbetween our jobs to respond to any of your queries.

SICvm Team Members

Now you know who did this...

Anoop U.Thomas

Developer (Inactive)


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Hariharan V

Developer (Inactive)


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Hari Sankar S

Developer (Inactive)


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Grey.Fox (Let us keep it that way)

Developer (Hyperactive) :-D / Admin

Feel Free To Contact Me to know more.

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