SICvm - A SIC Based Virtual Machine
SIC ain't SICKClick Here To Visit the SICvm Project Page in
SICvm is a SIC virtual machine based On Leland L.Beck's "Simplified Instruction Set Computer" as he mentioned in his book "System Software" Click Here To see Beck's Site on the Original SIC Simulator
Latest News
- Add support for PHP 8.2 (due to the PHP upgrade mandated by SourceForge)
- Unbreak the website, re-write parts of News / Homepage to support PHP 8.2
- Fix the issue with handling line breaks for news items
- Update link to the System Software Book, since the webpage is no longer accessible
- Add a proper title for the "Latest News" block on the right, the date is now part of the block's content
- Make the guestbook read-only
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Gecko 1.7. Used to Edit the HTML of this site.
A little Flashback

SICvm was originally conceived as a full fledged Virtual Machine running multiple instances on a Customized Kernel to support the Virtual Machine. The project was intended to be a Proof of Concept (PoC) of the Virtualization Technology that pretty much fascinated me back in 7th Semester during the College Days.
Simplified Instruction Set Computer or SIC for short is a hypothetical machine introduced by Leland L.Beck for simplifying the teaching the design of Assemblers, Compilers, Operating Systems...etc
Many people, including my project coordinator back in College asked me Why Choose SIC? At first sight this might feel a bit of over simplification. But I intended it to keep it simple, most people start their base in Emulators by programming a Z80 based system, but since Beck had a simplified overview of a stripped machine that was used as a base for Assembler Design and Compiler Design, I thought why not extend the very concept to a Beginner's guide to Emulating a System. Also Beck does give a very good insight into the SIC architecture in his book "System Software." You can check out the book here.
Unfortunately due to time constrains and lack of experience led me to build a Virtual Machine (Based on SIC), running on an x86 Platform, this also includes an Assembler for assembling the SIC instruction. It does not have a dedicated kernel and hence is not stand alone. This is still a work in progress
Pending Works
- Build a FA Based Parser for the Assembler
- Design a Kernel for the VM to Run in
- Extend the Architecture of the Machine to Support SIC/XE